
Can't see the wood for the trees

Kamakura Pt. 1 - Hokokuji

Affectionately called "Little Kyoto", the city of Kamakura in eastern Japan is a popular tourist destination. Little over an hour from central Tokyo, it's home to numerous temples and a distinctly Japanese feel. I've been to Kamakura a few times before (this was my brother's first time), but this time it was a little different - we rented bicycles!

Bamboo Forest | NEX-7 & SEL16F28 & UWA | 1/100s f/2.8 ISO200 16mm 

Hokokuji dates back to 1334, and was a place to house family treasures and pay homage to the grandfather of the first Ashikaga Shogun. A small entrance fee of ¥200 helps keep this stunning forest meticulously maintained.

The dense canopy above provided us with much needed shelter from the strong afternoon sun above.

There's something distinctly Asian about a bamboo forest

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Hokokuji is a 45 minute walk from the train station, but with bicycles, it only took us around 5 minutes. It's a great way to get around Kamakura. Stay tuned for more!